Pipeline Transport


Angelic Pipeline offers transportation, terminaling, storage, and throughput services for petroleum products and crude oil to the petroleum industry, including Corporation companies. Through its joint ventures, owns and/or runs crude oil and petroleum product pipelines, tankers, and terminals throughout Europe and the Netherlands. We also send out information on an annual basis to residences and businesses near our pipelines. This improved awareness reduces the likelihood of an emergency, and also helps reduce the impact if there is an emergency or fuel leak. OG pipeline maintains a strong commitment to safety, and measures our success by the health and safety of our neighbors, employees, and environment. In addition, we regularly provide training to our emergency response community.

We also send out information on an annual basis to residences and businesses near our pipelines. This improved awareness reduces the likelihood of an emergency, and also helps reduce the impact if there is an emergency or fuel leak. Angelic Storage BV maintains a strong commitment to safety, and measures our success by the health and safety of our neighbors, employees, and environment. In addition, we regularly provide training to our emergency response community.

As we look to the future, we intend to remain unique by fusing our basic operating principles with a tried-and-true business strategy, a strong foundation of strategically placed assets, and specialized understanding of the energy markets. This includes being responsible stewards of the energy resources we rely on to run our business as well as our commitment to the health and safety of our workers, contractors, communities, and the environment.

Our Vision
Our goal at Angelic Storage BV offers. is to provide the highest level of value-added services to our clients while also generating above-average returns for our stakeholders. In doing so, we hope to become the leading crude oil and NGL transportation and marketing firm in the Netherlands and all of Europe.

Our Strategy
Our main business strategy is to offer producers, refiners, and other clients competitive and effective midstream transportation, terminalling, storage, processing, fractionation, supply, and logistics services. In order to achieve this, we work to address regional supply and demand imbalances for crude oil and NGL in the Netherlands and throughout Europe by fusing our deep supply, logistics, and distribution knowledge with the strategic location and capabilities of our transportation, terminalling, storage, processing, and fractionation assets.